Rap Snacks
I vaguely remember seeing these potato chips in some grocery store in the West End. Rap Snacks are different varieties of bag snacks with rappers' faces on the front of the bag. When I buy potato chips, I don't usually think of LL Cool J or Ice Cube, nor do I want to have their mugs on potato chips bags. Heck, I get a little uneasy when I see Chester Cheetah on a bag, because I don’t trust him. (F’ you Chester Cheetah)
Rap Snacks are the “official snack of hip-hop”. I guess it’s like a certain tire company is the official tire company for the NBA.
Here is the best part; the rap snacks have positive messages on the front of the bags. So, you learn something while munching down on hip-hop goodness. Like,
Stay in school: Sounds like good advice.
Start your own business: Okay, sure.
Pimp education: I’m not sure how that is a positive message. Does one go to school for a pimp education?
Think Responsibly: That’s not a bad message, and certainly better than “Pimp Education”.
Would you want to try a bag of Master P’s potato chips? Do you want rappers mean mugging you while you eat their chips?

Where can I buy them
Random stores usually small check out stores. I found them in a local vape/regular shop and go store.
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