Jay Leno: “Hey, don’t you want your old time slot back?”
Conan O’Brien: “Maybe Later.”______________________________________
MC has inspired me to start doing a few of these again, and I have some spare time to do it this week. So, let's go through a few of these amusing terms shall we?
Stress to Impress: ((Temporary anxiety caused by the need or want to show off a certain skill in front of a person or group. The skill can usually be attained unless others are watching, causing the stress.))
Comment: I've never heard of this one before, but I guess it means showing off. I guess when a boss walks around or a hot chick comes around to watch you.
turkey bark: ((Farting after eating turkey.))
Comment: Who knew Turkeys could bark or fart? I knew that eating turkey could make you sleep, but causing you fart is a new one on me. So, does that mean the person that smells the turkey fart will fall asleep?
Trailer Fraud: ((When a trailer misrepresents the movie it advertises. When you view the actual movie, you see the trailer has nothing to do with the narrative, characters or plot. You are a victim of trailer fraud. ))
Comment: This happens all the time. It usually means the movie is either too deep to market to wide audiences or too crappy to promote otherwise.
man chair: ((A man chair is the chair that men sit in while their partner is shopping for long periods of time. They can be found in almost any clothing or shoe store. What can we, as men do while our gf's or wives are shopping, we can sit in a man chair.))
Comment: I'm a single guy, but I see these man chairs filled up with unhappy men sitting there waiting for their women to finish wasting money. They always have this distance expression on their faces as if they're kissing a portion of their life goodbye. One of the few benefits of being single is not having to sit in the man chair or go shopping. I have to give stores credit for supplying the man chairs.
spit take: ((A visual gimmick used in film and on stage where a person is surprised or taken aback by another's actions or words while drinking, and spits or sputters that liquid. ))
Comment: I remember when every movie would have a spit take back in the 80s. You really don't see this trend anymore. Let's bring it back.
Indoorsman: ((A person who spends considerable time in indoor pursuits, such as computing, sleeping and watching sports on television. ))
Comment: I think this is a clever term. I've met many Indoorsmen in my time. Hell, I was one of these people back in the day.
maybe later: ((a slightly less (or more) dick way of saying "no fucking way." ))
Comment: I never realized it, but that is true. Most people that say, “Maybe later” never really mean it. It is a passive aggressive way of saying F' No.
If you have ever fed your dog turkey, you should be well aware of the turkey bark (no pun intended). The Canine Digestive system + Turkey = Room clearing awfulness.
Lol, I guess you had this experience?
You have my apology. Note to self never feed my dog turkey
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