Comment Spam: The TV Series
While searching through blog posts on other blogs to know how people deal with “comment spam”, I came across this funny post about Spammers that seem legit but then go off the deepend on spamming. Yes, I've seen these comments that almost seem normal, then you have to dig deeper.
What happens is the spammer will leave a comment in your comment section, probably by a real person, and leave a link within their name tag/profile link. I remember receiving a comment in my comment in my Where the Wild Things Are review. It was a Samantha person that left a comment. I at first did a Google search with her exact quote and found her same exact comment in a few blogs involving Where the Wild Things Are.
Here's one of Samantha's “Comment” ((The cinematography of this movie was impressive, no doubt, but it seemed to be missing some kind of special “spark”; maybe it was just too low energy from beginning to end for me (or at least after the first ten minutes) ))
Samantha has appeared in various places (here, here, here, and here) with the same exact comment. Now, I am aware people like to talk about a certain subject in various sites and blogs, but not the same exact word for word. This Samantha character has taken a subject and decided to spam only that subject for their site. (I'm not going to link to it.) The site in question is a site selling and promoting skin treatment shampoos and creams.
Samantha has also posted other uniform comments on other sites, and all of them connected to Where the Wild Things Are. She is also changed her pattern a bit and is actually reading people's post and posting about certain things, and talking to other commentators.
Just for fun do a Google search on this little comment. ((I thought that Spike Jonze missed out on a great opportunity to make something that would be meaningful to adults and children alike; almost the entire movie seemed like nonsense to me ))
Being a blogger starting out in 2005, I really miss the old fashion spammers that simply said, “Hey great blog, I have a few links you might enjoy!” You knew where to stand with those old spammers.
Note: Speaking of comment spam, I just got this one today, ((Hi,
Your work on the blog is fantastic. I’m influenced in a positive way.
Specifically, I got some nice information in this page http://semajblogeater.blogspot.com/2009/11/star-trek-assignment-earth-tv-show-that.html
If you are interested, I would like to exchange links by placing a content link in your website. Don’t you think it would be nice for both our sites?
I’m waiting for your response.
David ))
I did a search and David has posted everywhere.
Dude! Thanks for the shout-out! Love the Spaceballs quote.
No Problem, I had a good laugh from your post. I pretty much get the same strange comment spam as you have.
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