1 Million Modified X-Box Live users discovered that they’ve been banned from X-Box Live.
Obi-Wan: I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.
This time it isn’t the Death Star that’s destroyed them, but Microsoft performing a massive ban across the board against modified X-Boxes, meaning they could play pirated videogames. What this means is basically all those X-Boxes are now “bricked”. Sure they still play games and pirated games, but the days going online and acting like an asshole with the X-Box are over. Since, most people like playing online, your banned X-Box is more or less useless.
From CNET, here is MS statement, (("Players who find their Gamertags banned from Xbox Live have wound up in that situation due to violations of the Xbox Live Terms of Use," Major Nelson wrote. "The Xbox Live team monitors players for not just cheating, but also for things like threats, racism, profanity, and just being an all around poor sport and ruining the game for others.
"When a Gamertag comes up as violating our policies for online behavior, the person who owns that Gamertag is punished by being banned from the service. Keep in mind, this isn't just a ban on a particular game. This is a ban on the Xbox Live service as a whole, so you won't be able to go online at all during your ban. Initially, you may be banned for a day, a week, or depending on severity, permanently! Kiss that $50 goodbye." ))
A lot of users were caught with their pants down and now have to pay the price, (Paying for another X-Box 360). I'm almost certain that means the Banned X-Box is now void of a warranty. Having a warrenty for a damn X-Box is extremely important because of the Red Ring of Death. I personally know of one guy that has had to repair his X-Box four times. That's commitment.
I kind of have to side with MS here partly because that huge leak of Call of Duty. However, it seems a little sneaky to monitor the X-Boxes and determine their modded or not. Make no mistake, there will be more banned hammers coming alone. Something also tells me there is hack coming along to block MS's ban.
While it might not be the best PR for MS, but I'd say 75% of the banned users will come right back and buy another damn X-Box. So, MS is doubling their profits while promising to repair those Red Rings of Death, which they were losing money on. It's a win-win for them. Plus, normal X-Box Live users can rest easier knowing some of those annoying 12 year old kids won't be bothering them while they play Call of Duty.
BTW, if you want banned X-Box you can go to Craigslist and get yourself a couple.
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