Louisville Ranked Number One is Porn Searches (Yay?)
((But the 'Ville now has another distinction: It ranks No. 1 as the city most likely to search for obscene material online, at least according to BusinessInsider.com, which used Google Trends for a 2008 study. According to their math, Louisville has the greatest percentage of people searching for naughty words online.))
Congratulations, Louisville! This is something we can all hang our heads high with pride and say, “We are number 1...in porn.” I have to believe that I've helped contribute to this milestone, say about 75 percent. And, something tells me that it isn't just men that helped with this trend in Louisville.
To be fair, Louisville is one horny city, and it must be in the water. We have that Cody Lane chick to be proud of and that whole cheerleader thing. Then, there's that Rick Pitino scandal. Did I also mention the questionable strip clubs around the city?
Why would this news come as shock? There's probably some type of porn chemical running around in the water. Louisville is made up of some horny devils.
What is shocking is we beat (snicker) some other major cities.
Here are the top ten cities on that study…
Louisville, KY
Rochester, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Newark, NJ
Los Angeles, CA
Irvine, CA
Pittsburgh, PA
Las Vegas, NV
Albany, NY
Orlando, FL
That’s right, we beat Orlando, Las Vegas and Los Angeles for that honor. They are the porn capitals of the world, and we beat the pants off of them (Beating and pants are probably not good words to use in this post.)
So, how does one celebrate this honor bestowed on us? Okay, never mind, I can only imagine.
And, What kind of award do we receive?
I don't think you'd want to touch the award you'd get without gloves... it would be very sticky.
lol, yeah might have to use sanitizer too. I have no idea what exactly the trophy with be in a of, or what it will say
Is it bad that when I saw the picture attached to this post, I kept asking myself who the sultry East Indian chick was before realizing who it was?
I like tans, but that is a bit much.
Yeah, she has so much spray on tan that she is probably darker than me.
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