Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Blogger Burnout

Head over to MC’s Blog and read his post about Blogger Burnout. I think generally many bloggers come to that point in their blogging career. Sadly, I’ve watched many very good blogs die over the two-three years I’ve been blogging with Many of them being good friends of mine. With good writers, I always hate to see a blog die.

I believe sometimes we put too much into our writing, and there are times when you need a break. I’ve watched my humble blog transform into a humble blog that pisses people off with a few more readers. (Cheerleaders and the Chinese government, and Dr. Moody all hate me). I don’t have the readership the other bloggers have, but I’d like to say thank you to the few folks that read my mindless ramblings from time to time.

I do believe every blog out there has a ‘Big Moment’, and that is when the Internet takes notice of something you’ve written. It is usually during that moment that your blog becomes more than a personal sounding board, and it sparks discussion or controversy. Good or bad, it becomes part of the collective community of the WWW.

Yes, I agree with MC that when you first start out writing a blog, it’s more personal and not as well crafted. But, damn, it was fun and you could say whatever you wanted in those early days. Sure they are embarrassing now, but remember the charge you got from publishing, and that first comment from someone on a post. As MC stated in his post, you can never have that beginner’s blog experience back. (When only the Googlebot used to visit your page, now you just shrugged with the multiple hits from google.)

Words of wisdom from me…

1. Don’t delete your blog: Why destroy something you worked so hard for? Like it or not, it is a part of you.

2. Feel a burnout? Take a week or two off to get your mojo back

3. Write about what interest you, (for me that includes making fun of Southwest, scientology, Rosie, and crazy bounty hunters.) Find the fun again, even if that means making fun of someone.

4. Fondly look back on your beginnings, but move forward and improve. Take what you have and look to the future.

5. Remember, you’re supposed to piss people off.

So, where do I fit on the chart? Whole Hog and Piglet.

I can’t believe I’m still writing for this blog.

Why do I have the Ninja Rap dance here? I have no idea.


Anonymous said...

i have to admit i miss blogging, but sadly working 50 plus hours a week on top of school has made things difficult. i may have a return though, it's possible.


Semaj said...

I really enjoyed reading your blog, Paul. I'd love to see you come back into the fold. I don't even know how I keep it up either, giving all the time I spend writing my book, huge essays, power point things, and school projects.

I hope to see you blogging soon!

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