The movie felt a little short and unfulfilling in many places. There is a reason for this story structural problem. Remember when Dan Aykroyd starts to leer into the picture? Well, there was an entire subplot where Vigo controls Aykroyd, and he attempts to kill the rest of the Ghostbusters. This could have added some tension to the story, which otherwise had too many lighthearted scenes. Instead, we get a scene where Aykroyd is taken over by Vigo: The Master of Evil at the end without much build up to it.
The other problem I have with the movie is Bill Murray’s acting. He was freaking great in the first film, but here he’s sleepwalking through the entire movie. I do remember that he wasn’t exactly thrilled about doing a sequel in the first place. The gang talked him into doing it with a large bag of money. It just shows on his face. He’s bored, and there wasn’t much for him to do anyway. His acting with the child was just painful.
Then, there is the unnecessary cameo scene with Bobby Brown as the ‘Mayor’s Doorman’. I guess Bobby kept a clear head enough for him to say those stupid lines. Okay, he wanted to be in the movie, but at least make the scene do something.
The movie is greatly flawed and too cute for its own good. The first film felt like a good mix of comedy and creepiness, but this movie goes too far in the humorous direction. I also hated the overall message of being nice and getting rid of hate. Plus, I hated that stupid Ghostbusters portrait at the end. I still like the movie, but there are too many painful moments in it to call it a 80s masterpiece like the first film.
Movie Grade: C
That damn Bobby Brown song to the movie Grade: D+
Short Rant: Okay, this part II logo always bugs me. Okay, use it in the promotional stuff, but do they have to use this logo in the actual movie. Why would they change every logo they have to this? Not even the biggest company changes all their logos right away. (UPS still has planes using the old logo design).
How do you explain this in the plot?
Why is the ghost happy in this one? He’s upset for being busted in the first logo.
I read in the IMDB boards that this picture is inside the ILM HQ. I'll give them this; it is a good picture.

I really liked the darker uniforms, and I thought they should have been used more in the movie.