When I read the headlines, I still couldn't believe it myself. Both of these companies are at the far ends of content that I am amazed they signed the deal.
From Reuters,
((Walt Disney Co on Monday agreed to buy Marvel Entertainment Inc for $4 billion in the biggest media deal of the year, banking on Marvel's roster of superheroes to broaden its lineup of movie franchises that appeal to boys. ))
This came out of nowhere. I knew nothing about it. Hell, I remember when Marvel was on the verge of going under. Back in the 90s, Marvel filed for bankruptcy. Now, they had some major hits and a lot of money pouring in from the movie franchises. A lot of the financial turnaround happened under Joe Quesada's watch.
While I've always been a DC Comics fan, I've come to respect Marvel for its more realistic approach to comic books. Marvel seemed to be more of an artist focused company, while DC was cooperate. DC is owned by WB. Now, Disney owns Marvel and that makes them more like DC.
However, this deal can help Marvel take more chances with their franchises because of Disney's deep pockets.
It should also noted that WB and Disney are long time rivals like DC and Marvel. I hope this doesn't hold back some future crossovers between the two comic book companies.
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