Do you remember the Ultimate Warrior from the WWF?
He was the sub-par wrestler that was supposed to replace Hulk Hogan at the time. After his rather lackluster career as a painted wrestler, he become somewhat known as a conservative joke. (He legally changed his name to Warrior.) But to be fair to “Warrior”, WWF did screw him multiple times over his career.
When he was not trying to take legal action over a website, he was making a terrible comic book series. I came across an ad for the Warrior comic book in an old August 1996 Fan magazine.
For some reason, the ad has Warrior on an alien planet (Two moons). And, he hanging from a tree attempting to save a airplane pilot from green water. He looks even more juiced than his normal self. While looking at us the reader, he says this, “Live in the system...die by the system...here in Destrucity you will create your own rule book...” What in the hell does that even mean?
I had two thing go through my mind when I saw the ad.
1 Did the world need an Ultimate Warrior comic book? Was the world asking for one?
2 Having your own comic book was the 'Ultimate' ego trip at the time. Before famous people had their own brands of beef jerky and energy drinks, they'd make a stupid comic book instead. Could you imagine a Larry the Cable guy comic book?
Magically, only six issues were made, but only four saw the light of day.
The other thing worth noting is there was special comic book where Warrior captures, attacks and rapes Santa Claus. You read that right; The Ultimate Warrior rapes Santa Claus. What the hell did Mr. Claus do to deserve getting raped by the Warrior? What was he thinking?
After the Santa rape, did anyone want to read the Warrior comic?
More reading
Make sure to check out why the Ultimate Warrior is insane. Everything he says is true.
Crack.com talks about it.

How many muscles does that damn “Battle Cat” have?

I wonder if they had to run the comic book ideas by Warrior before they did them... I would love to see video of him hearing about raping Santa and signing off on it.
I wonder if he came up with the Santa rape himself. What is funny most of the strange text in his comic books came directly from his twisted mind. He actually believes he's a warrior.
I can't believe I kind of liked him back when he was battling Hulk Hogan.
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