Heidi Montag is the next Michael Jackson?
Her douche bag wife has now made another stupid statement. This time he's comparing his talentless wife to Michael Jackson. That's right THE Michael Jackson.
From Digital Spy,
((Spencer Pratt has compared wife Heidi Montag to the late Michael Jackson, suggesting that she might be possessed with the star's "divine spirit". ))
Divine Spirit my ass. So, you're saying there is a talent spirit floating around granting talent to the worthy. Or does she actually have Michael Jackson inside her? (That didn't sound right.)
(("I would say [she is] the new modern day, 2010 Michael Jackson. ))
No, I would say she is the new Britney Spears post-nervous breakdown. Given that her performance was pure shit and lip synched during the Miss Universe Pageant, I wouldn't compare her to the King of Pop. Michael Jackson spent years and years perfecting his style and sound. The man could actually sing with that damn Auto-tune, which is something that is overused by Heidi in her stupid song.
(("Like, Michael Jackson's in heaven. The Holy Spirit now has Michael Jackson juice, so boom! For all we know, Heidi gets possessed with Michael Jackson's divine spirit." ))
There is Michael Jackson juice? In many ways, that just sounds wrong. I'm not even sure what Spencer is even saying here. Did she sleep with Michael Jackson? Did the spirit give her MJ's juice? Are they talking about MJ Juice as an actual product in the store like Donald Duck Orange Juice?
I know the whole Spencer and Heidie saying contrvesal things is a way for the couple to stay in google searches and make people talk. When will someone tell these two to shut up and go away?
But it gets worst,
((When asked if Montag was the "new Michael Jackson", he replied: "Oh, way bigger! ))
It will never happen. I'm just waiting for her 15 minutes of fame to soak up.
The best thing about this is her co-star Audrina Patridge even thinks Heidi sucks.
(("I feel like a lot of people don't get to experience what Heidi has, going on in front of a billion people and performing on TV. I just don't think she's taking it that serious, and that's what's kind of disappointing for me, for music lovers out there." ))
-Anderson Cooper doesn't like Heidi.
Funny review of her performance
I think this all began with Paris Hilton. She popularized the idea of being famous for being famous. Is Heidi especially intelligent, attractive, or hold any actual artistic talent? I really wish we focus on people that are talented at their crafts and leave this attention whores alone.
I agree with you, damn that Paris Hilton. Heidi serves no purpose at all. Hell, I don't even find her attractive
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