Random Things
~To the Spammer that keeps spamming my comment sections with Japanese porn: Stop doing it! At a certain point, the spammer kept spamming one post over and over again. What is up with the increase in spammers? I will not put a password thing on my comment sections, but this is getting crazy.
~Crank Dat Tappercize: WTF? I really hate that Soulja Boy song and not even sure it is English. However, I do like the way they editing this little dandy video together. Where did the original video come from?
~Don't act crazy in a Bangkok bar: In one hit, someone knocks him down. There were some nasty kicks thrown in for good measure too. Obviously, the guy in the yellow shirt already had a few drinks in him and that's not a good thing to do when your shouting out. I'm sure he'll wake up very sore.
~Katherine Heigl is taking a five episode leave from “Grey's Anatomy”: Something tells me that she find herself written out of the show after this. Things between her and the Network and producers aren't on good terms right now.
~Remember Kid 'N Play? Well, it looks like Kid is promoting suits from a local store. Where the hell is Play? I did laugh because he mentioned getting a suit when one of your buddies gets shot. Perhaps, it is time for a House Party sequel. Let's call it The House Party: The Party is Over. Let's just not make it a remake starring the Jonas Brothers.
Yeah, what did happen to Play? (And as a side note, who mentions someone's friends getting shot as a selling point for suits?)
Just checked the wiki page, Kid is sort of a rapper and actor. Kid wrote the theme song to Real Time with Bill Maher!
Play is a born again Christian and raps in Christian based songs.
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