Kirstie Alley using Fair Game tactics?
From Wiki,
((The term Fair Game is used to describe various aggressive policies and practices carried out by the Church of Scientology towards people and groups it perceives as its enemies. Founder L. Ron Hubbard developed the strategy in the 1950s and established the policy in 1965. Three years later, he canceled use of the term because of negative public relations it caused. The policy remained in effect and has been defended by the Church of Scientology as a core religious practice. ))
GlossLip has some interesting info on our favorite crazy Vulcan. It looks like Kirstie is trying to 'out' a National Enquirer writer.
From GlossLip,
((Kirstie took aim at the National Enquirer employee who wrote the article and posted some pretty nasty and threatening tweets, and asked her “Twitter buddies” to help her out. ))
Way to keep your fans involved in stalking someone there, Kirstie! The Enquirer did write a rather mean piece on her. (Claiming that she only has four years to live) Many Celebrities, I'm not sure she really is anymore, rise above the rag magazines and don't lower themselves to the mag's level.
Not Kirstie...she has decided to evoke fair game on the writer. If you want to lower yourself to that level, that is fine. Just admit that it is a policy from your Space Church religion. But when you spend more time going after your critics instead of actually finding work, don't get mad when people call you loopy.
When I think of Kirstie Alley, I try to remember what she was in Star Trek II Wrath of Khan. She was a young actress that gave it all and actually stole some limelight away from Shatner and his ego. That takes skill.
Check out this video where she has her hair down. (This is the alt-take that can only be found on the ABC broadcast.)
She was a good actress and a pretty damn attractive woman. Her role in Cheers was amazing. She had good chemistry with Ted Danson. (I find it funny that Danson has a better career recently than Alley or Shelley Long.)
As her involvement in the Church of Scientology increased, she seemed to gradually lose her sanity. She's basically become a hermit (hermit-at?). She does a lot of twittering and vlogs but not much acting anymore. (You can check out her work here.) After doing Look Who's Talking Now, can you blame her for disappearing?
It seems she's become bitter and angry at the world and lashes out instead of actually proving her detractors wrong by actually working. It's time for her to step away from Twitter and leave the church and find herself.
Do you think this craziness has something to do with her involvement in the church?
Did I mention she has a goofy feud with Perez Hilton and she uses that term again “fair game”.
(("ANY ONE WHO DRAWS sperm on teenage girl's faces, is FAIR GAME...bang bang you perverted F%#%K..I'm watching you...painful as that is. GOOD NITE RIPPLE CHIPS....pray for peace, and ask God to bop PH in his other eye. God likes to do stuff like that...sweet baby dreams." ))
I'm no Perez Hilton fan, but I feel a little uneasy when I hear a member of Scientology using the term “fair game”. This is the second time she has used it. I'd love to see Perez get his comeuppances, but not from Xenu.
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