Meet Dave
I guess little kids will find the scene with Eddie Murphy, a robot, pooping out twenty dollars bills and change. It was probably at this point Murphy started to reconsider his career in Hollywood. You don’t go from being in 48hrs to pooping out dollars bills in a dressing room and consider what happened to your career.
With really awful GCI and green screen, Meet Dave becomes one of Murphy’s worst movies since Pluto Nash. Actually, Meet Dave bears a lot of similarities to Pluto Nash. It should be noted that the same hack director was behind the shitty movie Norbit. Despite being a Fox movie, it is more in tune with a Disney movie made for the Disney channel.
The green screens are laughable and I’ve seen better work on Star Trek TNG. Watching a CGIed Murphy and Gabrielle Union is just embarrassing. The CGI is really bad.
Murphy plays two roles in the movie, neither one being of him in a fat suit thankfully. Murphy plays a robot/space ship named Dave Ming Cheng. The name is one of the few jokes that work in this so-called comedy. Inside, Murphy also plays the starship captain that commands the starship Dave. Confused yet? I certainly am. I’m confused as to how this is even funny. Why would Fox green light this concept?
Then there are many subplots and characters that are introduced, but later only take backseat at the climax of the movie. The movie sets up Elizabeth Banks and Murphy perhaps having a relationship, but it never goes anywhere. Is Fox too afraid of showing an interracial relationship? They could have had so much fun with the robot/dating jokes, but it is never to be.
Gabrielle Union fares a little better, but not by much. She is the third in command on the ship and kind of Murphy’s love interest.
Plot centers around a rock that can suck the water from the planet. The special rock is important to the aliens because it is the only way they see to save their own home planet. They travel to Earth in search of said rock. That pretty much sums up the plot.
This so-called family movie is not funny with some major plot holes. I won’t even get into the plot holes because it is not worth bothering.
If you like seeing Murphy sleepwalking through the entire film, then this is your movie. If you liked Pluto Nash and Norbit, you’ll love this movie. For the rest, avoid this piece of crap.
Screw you, Eddie Murphy.
Grade: F+
John Debney’s score is very good. It is too good for this type of movie.
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