K-Fed, what happened to the dancing gig?
I'm not a fit guy, but damn how does a dancer with a dancer body end up turning up as a floatation device. This probably has more to do with the fact he is now getting paid to do nothing. Regardless how I feel about Britney Spears' “talent”, she did earn her money. He take a percentage of her money.
Now, K-Fed is taking care of the kids, but not much else. I guess sitting around playing X-Box Live all day will do that to you.
The Young Turks are correct, he is dating Victoria Price, and that nullifies pretty much all the fat jokes. But, there is the money factor that plays into the fact that someone like him gets a hot chick.
Remember when Britney was sloppy, bald, and losing her mind? It looks like the tide has turned.
What happened to his flourishing rap career?
Anyway, part of me wonders if he put on the weight on purpose in order to make stupid reality show. The reality show being that he loses the weight.
Make sure to check out pictures of him visiting the Zoo. And, he isn't there to look for a spot to live.
Wow, he IS a bloated sac of protoplasm.
lol, agreed. And he did it in a number of months not even years. I remember when he was on TV talking about Britney and her craziness and he still skinny.
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