Michael Duvall, WTF (You have to read the transcripts they're freaky)
A “family values” Republican brags about a few sexual encounters he had with young female lobbyists.
((Michael Duvall is a conservative Republican state representative from Orange County, California. While waiting for the start of a legislative hearing in July, the 54-year-old married father of two and family values champion began describing, for the benefit of a colleague seated next to him, his ongoing affairs with two different women. In very graphic detail. ))
There are two things to note about this story.
1. If you're going to be a supporter of family values, then you better keep that belief for yourself. There is no reset button on cheating on your wife.
2. I don't think having an over 50 year old having sex with you is a part of your lobbying skills. I'm almost certain it isn't.
One of the rules of broadcasting is you should always treat the microphone as hot. You never know when it will pick up things.
You have to love this guy's smooth ways with the ladies,
((And so her birthday was Monday. I was 54 on June 14, so for a month, she was 19 years younger than me. I said, 'Now, you're getting old. I am going to have to trade you in.' And she goes, '[I'm] 36.' She is 18 years younger than me. And so I keep teasing her, and she goes, 'I know you French men. You divide your age by two and add seven, and if you're older than that, you dump us. ))
Real smooth, Duvall.
In a matter of minutes, Duvall has resigned from his position. Naturally, the name of the woman behind the affair has been out-ed (Allegedly). Heidi DeJong Barsuglia is her name. At no time did she think “Hey, he's a married man and not that attractive”.
This brings up a bigger point of Lobbyist being too far involved in lawmakers lives to begin with.
Oh, yeah don't read the next part if you are offended by drippy stuff.
((She wears little eye-patch underwear. So, the other day she came here with her underwear, Thursday. And so, we had made love Wednesday--a lot! And so she'll, she's all, 'I am going up and down the stairs, and you're dripping out of me!' So messy! ))
Eww, did your friend really need to know that last detail? I feel bad for the janitor that has to clean those stairs.
Side note: What the hell is Eye Patch Underwear? I did a Google search and just some strange Japanese animated pictures of girls came up. If it is one thing I am not a expert in, it is women's underwear.
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