Things that old people own…
I was over at my Grandmother’s house for a small dinner due to the Labor Day weekend. I noticed that she had items that only old people seem to only keep in their houses. I went off on a rant about it and had my Grandmother cracking up.
Here are a few observations.
1. Shoehorns: I guess during the olden times people wore tighter and harder shoes. Most shoes were basically dress shoes and tennis shoes were only worn for sporting events. I noticed my Grandmother had about ten various shoehorns in her collections.
2. Mothballs: Somehow, old people think there’s going to a swarm of moths that will eat their entire wardrobe. I’ve discovered that most of these old folks own a box of this smelly stuff in order to keep moths from eating their clothes. These mothballs smell really bad. I’ve never had an encounter with these creatures eating my clothes.
3. Shoe polish: I’ve discovered that they’ll have a huge supply of old fashion cans of polish. Usually, these cans are remnants of old companies that aren’t even around anymore. I haven’t used shoe polish in ages.
4. That old calculator with the mini-paper printout: These things belong in a museum.
Do you know of anymore?
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