Worst Star Trek TNG episode ever
Holy crap, this clip is horribly funny. Somehow, this old woman shape-shifts into a cheap TOS style creature and threaten to kill a sick crewmember. I love the fact Worf gets punked by this creature and only attempts to hit her when she changes back into the old woman.
This episode is called The Dauphin.
Taken from the IMDB page,
((A pretty girl, Salia, comes aboard the Enterprise with her diminutive guardian. She is to be taken to her home planet where she will fulfill her duty as the one to bring peace to the warring factions. Wesley falls for the girl and is no good to anyone as he woos her. Later we find she and her guardian are allomorphs, what in later sci-fi series are called shape shifters. Her guardian transforms into a monster that takes on Worf, and wins. Salia's natural form is something not as attractive to Wes, souring his ardor. ))
In other words, Wesley Crusher gets some booty episode. Naturally, Wil Wheaton stinks the episode up, but not without help from the poor writing.
If I had a shape-shifting girlfriend, I’d have her shift shape into Kim Kardashian or Vanessa Hudgens.
Anyway, yeah, the clip above is simply terrible. But, you have to hand it to Worf in this clip.
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