Random Things
~What is up with OctoMom? She seems to have drama everyday, and she keeps ending up in the news. This time over Gloria Allred. She called the cops on Allred. That's crazy woman on crazy woman action. Listen, If I had an Gloria Allred in my house, I'd call the cops too. Those Allred's are hard to get out. What is funny is that now she's had second thoughts about her decision to create a tribe.
~NBC's Jeff Zucker just doesn't get it: He's little upset with John Stewart's attacks against D-bag Jim Cramer. I find Zucker’s remarks just plain stupid. Doesn't Saturday Night Live this kind of stuff too? You don’t like it on the other end of the table, Zucker. And, I still think having Jay Leno on at 10PM makes no sense. John Stewart's big boss defends him though.
~I'm noticing a trend in radio stations. Talk radio seems to be phasing out all together. I'm no fan of Opie and Anthony, but the station they were on has switched to a Top-40 format in New York. It is kind of a repeat of this. Another station changed formats in LA too. It went from Talk to Top-40 (Amp Radio) I think the Podcasting is where you’re going to see your talking DJs.
~Speaking of Jim Cramer, did he really need to have a cameo in Iron Man?

Tucker Carlson took another run at Jon Stewart too.
And you have to check out this guy who just tears Jim Cramer a new one.
i can agree with the guy in the video. How does one person have so many failures and still be called an expert?
Tucker Carlson just needs to go away like Steve O. Does Carlson even have show now?
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