-The Running Time: Okay, I could sit through the Lord of the Rings movies with no problem, but I felt they could have easily cut out ten extra minutes from Watchmen. There are a few points that seemed to drag on. You can easily reinstate all the scenes in the DVD version.
-The Score was Terrible: With something this grand, you need an score that captures this world. Composer Tyler Bates’ score is not only bland, but doesn’t add anything to the emotional reactions on screen. Can’t Snyder get pass these bland MTV composers and use better scoring techniques.
-Pat Buchanan and Richard Nixon makeup: The Nixon makeup was bad and I wouldn’t have even recognized Buchanan unless they mentioned his name. Otherwise, the makeup is fine for the rest of the characters.
Some things that stood out for me
-Carla Gugino is very attractive.
-The backgrounds are wonderfully realized with the digital special effects. I liked peering through the windows to the cityscape. Note the Twin Towers.
-The comic book has a great deal of Cold World undertones to it and the movie handled these bigger issues
-I like the movie ending better than the squid ending. The movie gives the tragic events a bigger scope.
While Watchmen isn’t a prefect movie, there is a great deal in the story that makes it a step above some of the more recent comic movies that have come out. The Watchmen attempts to make a statement about superheroes and the type of effect they would have on our world. The movie tries to raise some interesting questions, though sometime failing, and it becomes a thinking man’s action film.
If you can sit through a nearly 3-hour movie, then at least give this movie a spin. Go in theater for Rorschach, the character is that kick ass.
Grade: B+
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