Newer X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailer
Make sure to head over to The Movie Blog and check the brand-spanking new trailer. While this one is certainly in the right direction, something just tells me this movie is probably a huge stinker.
But, I’ll give this movie a chance, after seeing this trailer.
Side Note: I do like that they cut down on Wolverine riding on a chopper bit, but still felt the need to have it on screen in the trailer. Sorry, that’s not impressive.
The best scene is the opening with Logan on the table and the woman’s remark.
Logan: “Trust me, I've been through worst.”
Woman: “No, you haven't.”
Here's the old trailer
It looks quite good to me, but I have a weakness for dodgy action movies (and for Hugh Jackman).
I love the character of Volverine and this has the appearance of being a good action film with some interesting X-Men characters, but there are a few cheesy moments.
But I agree with you.
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