Stan Bush Returns for Transformers II?
Slash Film is reporting that the missing in action rocker Stan Bush might return with another 'rocking' version of his song The Touch. I know all is right in the universe when a Transformers movie has a little bit of Stan Bush in the soundtrack. Now, what about Lion?
From Slash Film,
((According to Bush, “The Touch” will be featured on several of the toys for the new film and might even be featured in the movie itself. Stan says he has recorded a new “killer version” of the song, and submitted it for the film.))
This has my fanboy emotions all hyped up now. But something tells me that Michael Bay won’t have his song in the film. Bay isn’t exactly an expert in the Transformers and I think he won’t have any thing connecting to the 80s film.
Anyway, Stan Bush (Not exactly a great last name to have right now) has a myspace page and make sure to check out his 'rocking' songs that sounds like they're from the 80s. Other than having shorter hair, he looks pretty much the same.
Besides, only someone named Stan can come up with 'amazing' lyrics like this.
You got the moves, you know the streets
Break the rules, take the heat
You're nobody's fool
You're at your best when when the goin' gets rough
You've been put to the test, but it's never enough
Till all are one!
Here’s a Stan Bush re-record of “The Touch” for a montage from the show Chuck.
NOOOOOOOoooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo ooo...000000000..oooooooooooo.OOOOO
i'm just sayin, no touch from the bush pretty please.
He's seems hellbent on doing it too.
Check out his newer song "Till all are one" for real 80s type cheesiness. If I'm not mistaken he wrote that one in the 2000s, but it sounds like it came from the 80s
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