When the lovable and friendly rapper Coolio is discovered to have drugs in his possession you have to wonder if this is a sign of The End Times. You'd expect this behavior from DMX, but Coolio?
Read on from the link above from Softpedia,
((Rapper Coolio might have slipped a bit off radar as regards his music career, but one thing that will always get him the headlines is a certain penchant for legal trouble. Artis Leon Ivey, Jr. (real name) was arrested a couple of hours ago at LAX as a screening to get him to his Southwest Airlines plane revealed he had crack cocaine on his person, as TMZ reports. ))
First of all, I thought Coolio fell into a volcano or something because I hadn’t heard anything else from him. I usually don’t go around thinking; “I wonder what Coolio is doing right now?”
Second, why is he flying Southwest Airlines? Wouldn’t the Gangster’s Paradise guy have his own jet?
Third, did he really think he could hide the crack cocaine? And, why is he smoking it anyway? With hair like that, he looks like a pure weed smoker. Didn't he learn anything from Bobby Brown?
So, what else has Coolio done between gigs? Here are a few amusing things
-On his Wiki page it states this, (On the 25th February 2009, Coolio performed at Staffordshire University in Stoke-on-Trent, England. When he attempted to stage dive during a performance, the crowd parted and when he crashed to the floor they mugged him, stealing amongst other things his bandana and shoes before he was rescued by the venue's security. ) Man, that's funny. It's like something off of a cartoon. What made him think the crowd would catch him? Rappers don't crowd surf. For one, their concealed weapon might go off.
-He's shown up on a lot of shit reality shows, which probably was one of the factors of that led him to hiding crack to begin with.
-He was recently seen in some web episode of this show. (Man in the Box) They're pretty funny, because they make fun of the state of Coolio's career. And it's funnier now know he probably was little high during the shooting.
Remember the old Coolio? Watch these videos
I believe in Coolio.
Wasn't he on the Surreal Life at one point?
I don't think so but he's pretty much been in everything else. Heck, he even had a cooking show.
I think he's has a better career in Europe than here.
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