Vince Offer vs. Billy Mays Round III (The Hooker Bust)
Just after writing about the Shamwow, this came up on the Digg site about his arrest.
Smoking Gun reported that his real name is Vince Shlomi, which is a goofier name than ‘Offer’, and that he’s 44. Funny, the guy doesn’t look 44.
((Shlomi, 44, was arrested last month on a felony battery charge following a violent confrontation with a prostitute in his South Beach hotel room. According to an arrest affidavit, Shlomi met Sasha Harris, 26, at a Miami Beach nightclub on February 7 and subsequently retired with her to his $750 room at the lavish Setai hotel. Shlomi told cops he paid Harris about $1000 in cash after she "propositioned him for straight sex." Shlomi said that when he kissed Harris, she suddenly "bit his tongue and would not let go." Shlomi then punched Harris several times until she released his tongue))
Here are a few points worth mentioning here.
-I love the fact he has to make sure to put it on the record it was “a Propositioned for straight sex”. I’d think that would be clear from getting a female prostitute. Unless the deal involved using his Slap-Chop.
-She bit his tongue. Uh, abusing a client that just paid you 1000 dollars isn’t a good investment. It’s like me going to Macdonald’s and ordering super-sized fries and having the counter lady slapping them out of my hand after I paid her.
-This whole scene seems like something out of a Mel Brooks movie.
-He punched her a few times before she let go. Uh, does she have some kind of lock on her tongue that resists blows to the head? Why was she so hell-bent on his tongue? It isn’t like he asked for it.
-When the cops came in, he was bloody and bruised. Did they say, “Hey, it’s that Shamwow guy!” Did Vince use a shamwow to clean his face?
-The real mystery is why did this surface today and not two months ago?
-Somewhere, Billy Mays is laughing his ass off. “Hi, Billy Mays here. You don’t F’ with the Oxy Clean guy, Vince.”
-Uh, Vince, you’re famous. Did you really need to pay for it? You’ll a lot a miles out of ‘Low mileage pitwoofies’ on being the Shamwow guy.
-I smell a conspiracy. Perhaps the Scientology guys made an unholy alliance with Billy Mays to set Vince up.
Make sure to check out the mugshot of the “Working Girl”
From my reading of crime fiction and the like, Straight sex in that context means just the act of intercourse or in other words, normal sex, so in those terms, it is possible for a man to have straight sex with a male prostitute or a transvestite.
Given that definition, the tongue biting and beating would definitely not be on the menu.
okay, that makes sense now. I have to wonder if tongue biting is extra?
Then again, with a name like 'Offer' he can probably knock the price down.
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