While reading the amusing post about some of the strange casting choices in the new Star Trek, I got a kick out of the mentioning of Winona Ryder.
Why is she in the movie?
She's playing Amanda Grayson. This was the role that Jane Wyatt played many moons ago on the old series and the movies.
I have never been a fan of hers since she partly ruined Alien Resurrection. Somehow, she managed to screw up a part where she played a damn android.
Ryder simply doesn't seem to fit into the role. She's currently playing a human among Vulcans. If you're going to put her in this movie, at least have her in a role where she can be believable. She's usually emotionless in most her roles anyway, so make her damn Vulcan.
I'll give a "wait and see" for now.
Since she allegedly has a shoplifting problem, I have to wonder if she 'lifted' a few Trek Props from the set. I'm just saying...
My theory is they are trying to get all the cast members from Heathers into a Star Trek movie at one point or another.
Actually, you're correct. I notice Slater is in heathers and he had a bit part in Trek too.
Now we just need a part for Shannen Doherty.
Red Shirt her. Red Shirt her. Red Shirt her!
Man, I wish they would.
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