Top Five Hate List
Once again, I’ve compiled a group of people that have angered me in some fashion.
5. Madonna: In reality, she shouldn’t be on the list. But, how many more children can she adopt? I know she wants to save the world, in her bleeding heart liberal way, but how about starting an organization that helps all children in these poor nations? Madonna’s organization could promote better medical care and education for all the children. “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.” I know she wants to forever be a mother, but she’s getting up there in age. And, her new name will be material grandmother.
4. Gorilla Grodd: I always get this “The Flash” villain confused with another DC Comics Gorilla villain by the name of the Ultra-Humanite. They're both talking gorillas that are highly intelligent and are both bad guys. They need to team up and start their own comic book. Grodd and Humanite: Still Monkeying Around.
3. Bret Michaels' PR reps: At first they downplay his injuries, (however some are now reporting his injuries were a little more serious), then they blamed his mis-cue on the Organizers. Later, he is people are 'shocked' the Tony Organizers were concerned with his condition. Uh, isn't a rocker supposed to be a bit clumsy and reckless while on stage?
2. How about that Woman that told me to slow down in the park when I was riding my bicycle?: I was on a legal bicycle track and flying through one of the parks that the track snakes through. (Most parks in Louisville are interconnected through paths, trails and bike routes.) I zipped through a shelter that the track went through. People were sitting at the table. As I passed, I heard a woman say, “Slow down, there are children here.”
I ignored her and shook my head.
Thank you, for telling me to look out for ‘your’ children. How about telling your children not to step out in front of fast moving bikes lady? I’m sick of people using children as an excuse to be dicks.
1. Jon Gosselin: First you were caught with one woman and then another one without your wife around. Something tells me the stupid gig is up on your reality show. If you were in love with your wife, you’d show up to your own 10th Anniversary. When you bring in the cameras into your house, expect the worst. Stop blaming everyone else and admit you all agreed to this idea in the first place.
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