Leo Laporte loses it
I love Leo Laporte’s shows, and I really dug him on TechTV. He’s probably the reason I got into computers and blogging to begin with, watching him on Screensavers and Call for Help. (He gives us a little background into his origins.)
At certain point, Leo totally loses it during a discussing
The big stink came about over the Palm Pre. Michael Arrington asked Leo if he got the Palm Pre for free or did he pay for it. This just totally pissed Leo off and he shutdown the show, cussing out Michael in the process.
Keep in mind, Leo does have a point. In a way, it seemed like Arrington was questioning Leo's opinion on the Palm Pre. And, he perhaps Mike had a point, but don't question Leo on it. Remember, he's been bashing MS for years.
However, Michael Arrington does tell his side of the story on his site.
((I’m bummed this has to be an issue on a day that we’re all mourning the loss of such an important member of our community. And I’m sad that my professional relationship with Leo is apparently over. I apologize to you, Leo. I didn’t mean to imply that you were being unethical. I just think that, given the story that’s brewing about favoritism at Palm, it was important to disclose whether you paid for that Pre, and/or got it in advance. ))
And, Leo does comment below,
((Thanks for the post, Mike. Apology accepted. Now that I know what was going on in your mind, I apologize to you.
There seems to be something about the Gillmor Gang that just engenders over the top passion. I’m embarrassed by my overreaction. Peace.))
Michael has a point, companies do try to control reviews on their products. Remember all the “studio plants” in message boards trying to give their movie a positive spin? This happens all the time. But to ask that question to Leo, whom I've trusted for years, is a bit much.
I can see it both ways. But, Mike needed to approach it in another way.
Perhaps, Leo was just mad at his Fitness Ball being destroyed...
Side Note: This is one of the guys that was in the video where the blow up happen.
Further reading
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