Thursday, August 04, 2005

Tale of Two Poops (part two)

Tale of Two Poops part two.

Day Two

I woke up in the morning around 9:00 AM. Still halfway asleep, I managed to get my butt over to her house. I unlocked the doors and went inside. As the door closed, there was the little black dog wagging his tail, looking happy. The dog acted totally different from yesterday! The dog today kept trying to jump on me. Why was this dog so happy today?

Well, I got my answer. I entered the office room and looked down to see…poop. This time there were two collections of poop piles. The dog managed to poop out two separate islands of solid waste off the plastic and onto the hardwood floor, just like before. The dog kept jumping on me, while I circled the evidence like a member of CSI at a crime scene.

I looked down at my happy little friend and said, “Well, at least you’re feeling better, because I’m not.” Again, I am talking to a dog that doesn’t understand a single word coming from my mouth. I decided then to chain the dog outside, hoping that he could “create” more islands outside.

30 minutes later, and after nearly puking again, the office was clean. I actually felt good about my handy work. I walked the dog and took him inside. I decided to check the bedroom, just in case, but before I could get inside, I stepped in something soggy. Was it dog crap? Nope, just dog puke. The dog puked on one of her nice rugs just outside her bedroom. Thank you dog, more stuff to clean up. Now, I was on my knees cleaning up still fresh puke. I now understood why the dog was so cheerful that day; he got all the bad stuff out of him, and onto the floor and rug…for me to clean.

For some reason, dog puke wasn’t as bad as dog poop, or perhaps I just seen more dog poop than I’d seen puke. I’m not sure. After spending 20 minutes more cleaning the rug, I left the house feeling dirtier than when I arrived.

I felt and smelled like crap, another shower.
The end

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