Character Review: Jar-Jar
Movies: Star Wars movies
The Love/Hate of Jar-Jar Binks
Jar-Jar Blinks is one of the most hated characters among Star Wars fans. When I first saw Star Wars Episode 1, I really hated Jar-Jar. He was a jackass, and I hated the way he took away screen time from more important stories. His kiddy foolishness simply took away from the serious tone of Episode 1. As the years have passed, people generally have forgiven George Lucas for his poor judgment in making a poorly conceived comic-relief CGI character. Because of the backlash, Jar-Jar’s role has been greatly reduced with each movie.
Hailing from the underwater city of the Gungans, Jar-Jar was banished for being clumsy. He lived in the forest, eating shellfish all day, when he ran into a Jedi. Jar-Jar later was promoted to General in the grand Gungan army. Years later, Jar-Jar starts to work in the Senate as a Councilman. Being tricked by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, he gives special war powers to the Chancellor’s Office. Stupid Jar-Jar…
I find it funny that Jar-Jar the most hated character in SW survives all three movies. Many people believe that Jar-Jar doesn’t speak in Ep 3, but he does. He says, “Excuse me.” I still hate Jar-Jar but not as much as I use to.
He actually had a slightly bigger part in the film…
The Chancellor's Transport races through the city and heads for the Senate Office Building landing platform. Waiting on the landing platform is a LONE JEDI. The Transport lands, and CHANCELLOR PALPATINE emerges with FOUR ROYAL GUARDS and MAS AMEDDA. The FOUR ROYAL GUARDS move off in another direction as PALPATINE greets ANAKIN, who has been waiting for him.
PALPATINE: Well, Anakin, did you see your friend off?
ANAKIN: He will soon have Grievous's head.
PALPATINE: We can only hope the Council didn't make a mistake.
ANAKIN: The Council was very sure in its decision.
They exit the landing platform.
They enter the main hallway of the Senate Office Building. They pass SEVERAL SENATORS, including REPRESENTATIVE JAR JAR BINKS from Naboo.
JAR JAR: Helloo Annie. Good en to see yousa . . .
The Gungan waves to Anakin.
ANAKIN: Hi, Jar Jar.
JAR JAR: Oopsin da Chancellor!! So sorry, Your Highness, sir.
Anakin turns back to the Chancellor.
PALPATINE: There are rumors in the Senate about Master Kenobi. Many believe he is not fit for this assignment.
ANAKIN: Not fit? Why would anyone think that?
PALPATINE: They say his mind has become fogged by the influence of a certain female Senator.
ANAKIN: That's ridiculous. Who?!?
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