Kentucky Governor Fletcher used his God given power of creating pardons to help the people who were indicted in the Hiring practice cases.
Comment: This guy is giving out pardons like candy. Hey, break the law and get a free pardon. Whatever happened to being held accountable for your actions? Fletcher got elected because he promised to end the corruption left behind by Governor Patton. Yet, we got rid of one crook from another one.
Say what you want about Mr. Bush, he hasn’t done this yet. How can anyone vote for Fletcher now that this has come out? Obviously, by pardoning his underlings, he has focused all the attention toward himself.
Moreover, this has given the Dems fuel to attack him on for months. The only thing I can see going his way is the fact people in this state are idiots, and don’t pay attention to news, unless it’s sport news. I hate Kentucky.
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