The Karate Kid
Certain movies you remember everything about the experience in Movie Theater. You actually remember watching it in the theater as a child. The Karate Kid was one of those movies. I remembered going into the theater with my family, and really enjoying the movie. I remembered when everyone in the theater cheered when Daniel did the Crain kick.
Looking back at the movie now, I was surprised how well the movie holds up. Sure there are some things that date the movie, but what movie doesn’t have those issues. The central theme of the movie is friendship. Watching the movie now as man, I’ve picked up more interesting concepts that were too over my head at the time. However, now I get it, I understand it.
The character I identified with the most was Daniel LaRusso (Daniel-san). He was an outsider just like me. He lived with only one parent, his mother. The relationship with his mother was one of nicest relationships I’ve seen in the 80s. Like any good single mother, she was always there for him, and helped him get back up. He needed this support at home, because he is severely beaten up in the 1st half of the film.
One of my favorite moments is when the bullies force him down a hill, crashing his bike. In the next scene, you see him throwing his bike in the trash, and he’s had enough. He breaks down and starts to cry, telling his mom he’s ready to go home. There comes a time when we all want to give up, and want to turn our backs on life. The next day, his bike is completely repaired, thanks to Mr. Miyagi.
Mr. Miyagi is a friend, teacher, and father to Daniel. The best scene in the movie period is the one where Miyagi shows him that all the hard work Daniel put into fixing Miyagi’s house pays off. It was a very cool scene.
This movie still holds up well today. What f’ are you waiting for? Rent the DVD now!
Grade A-
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