Crash is an intelligent movie that deals with the intense and complex issue of race. The movie is a collection of character pieces all connected in various ways to each other. Each character has his or her own story that progresses along with other character’s stories. The cast is one of the best I’ve seen to date.
Beside the huge group of characters, the city of Los Angeles is portrayed in as dangerous place where race relations are starting to unhinge. Though never spoken about, 9/11 hovers over everything that is happening in the movie. There’s a sense of hopelessness in the air, but there are some positive things in the film as well.
Some scenes are intense with its harsh racism. One scene that stands out for me is the one where a racist cop pulls over a black couple, because the cop witnesses a woman emerging from the male driver’s lap, obviously giving him a BJ. The black couple is very rich and drives around in a nice SUV. The black man is a TV director, and is highly intelligent. The racist police officer tells the couple to get out of the car, and things get severe for the black couple.
Unlike many movies released during the summer, this movie is smart and well crafted. The writing weaves through the stories like a well-written song. The movie never tells you what’s right or wrong. Even the most flawed characters have good traits, and like any other well made movie, the characters grow and change throughout the film. Please watch this wonderful movie whenever you get a chance it’s that good.
Grade A
~Ludacris will truly amaze you how good he is in this movie. His character goes through a major change, going from being a villain to a hero of sorts. Simply great acting by this rapper.
~Look for Tony Danza to make a cameo. I’m sure many of his scenes got cut from the film.
~Jennifer Esposito gets very naked in this movie.
~Look for Star Trek’s Marina Sirtis in the movie. While I was watching the movie, I didn’t even recognize her. I only discovered her when I went to IMDB.com
Okay, the bit about Jennifer Espisito is all I needed to rent this.
Still, I have to wonder, "Beside the huge group of characters, the city of Los Angeles is portrayed in as dangerous place where race relations are starting to unhinge." Didn't L.A. kind of unhinge about race, oh, ten years ago?
Agreed,on the LA thing. But remember this is movie logic
And yea, Jennifer E is hot
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