You Got Served
If this movie were crap, it would be the type of crap that is liquid and turns the bowl completely brown. This has to be one of the worst movies I’ve had the displeasure of watching. It’s the Fast and Furious of dance movies. The acting is beyond terrible and the script…hell there isn’t a script. I pity the fools that went to see this Music Video Gone Bad in the theater. The dancing is something you would see out of a bad Break dancing movie of the 80’s. Heck, this might be a throwback to those bad break dancing movie of the 80s. Hammer would be proud of this movie.
Who got served? The moviegoers got served…
Grade F-
Hammer time.
Here's the worst part, I sat down and watched this movie on HBO.
all u people r stupid!!! i love this movie it is one of the best movies i'v seen! so you people r dumb!!!!!!!!!
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