John McClane: “How long can Karl Rove hold his breath underwater?”
Sam Jackson: “Who cares?”
John: “Think anybody will miss him?”
Sam Jackson: “Hell no!”

Caller: “So what’s favorite scary movie?”
John: “Armageddon, Hudson Hawk, The Bonfire of the Vanities, Look Who's Talking Too…”
Caller: “Enough, I’d rather talk to your Jedi friend over there.”__________________________________________________________


Sound Bites for the Media
No fucking shit, lady. Do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza?
Hans Gruber: This time John Wayne does not walk off into the sunset with Grace Kelly.
John McClane: That was Gary Cooper, asshole.
Welcome to the party pal.
As far as I'm concerned, progress peaked with frozen pizza.
I'd vote for him, but Jack Bauer should be Secretary of State.
I take it back. McClane should head the FBI. President should be Morgan Freeman. VP? Mary McDonnell. (The Prez on Battlestar Galactica.)
Morgan Freeman sounds good, I forgot about him. He's playing another prez in a upcoming movie
Forget being president, Morgan Freeman even nailed being God Almighty Himself!
Yeah, he owns that role, too
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