Free Gas?
Leaving from school, I went to the gas station nearby. I went inside and headed right to the cashier station. I noticed two biker police troopers standing around wasting tax money and flirting with a rather cute female gas station cashier. I thought this was interesting in it’s own right, because most of the people in this gas station were usually reject chain smoking dirty types that look like extras in those Mad Max movies.
Anyway, I told her, “Can I have five dollars on pump 4?”
“Sure thing,” she said, taking my 20 bucks and giving me 15.
I went outside and began to pump my preset gas into my car. Here’s where I f’ed up, I diverted my attention to a couple of bums trying to grab a Pigeon that refused to fly. For some reason, I was interested in this dumb scene. For one, Why were the bums trying to grab a dirty-ass pigeon? Two, why didn’t the pigeon fly away? It simply ran.
I looked back to the gas pump and noticed that I pumped 9.50 worth of gas into my car! I said aloud, “I thought this was preset. She messed up.” Now, I had two choices, one was to just drive off and not pay the 4.50 more on gas that wasn’t my fault, or two, to go in and pay.
Because I was black and I knew that gas was treated like gold at these crazy prices, I didn’t need to spend time in jail. So, I decided to march in and pay the rest.
“Uh, you forgot to preset my pump,” I said.
She looked at her computer screen, and shook her head, placing her hand over her mouth. “Oh, no. I’m sorry. Don’t worry about it, I’ll pay for the gas.”
So, this is how I got 4.50 worth of free gas. But, I still hate gas stations and pigeons.
Hey, two whole free gallons! *high-five*
Now you can take that trip to Cincinnati for the weekend!
LOL, the extra gas lasted me one day
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