Will Smith, don't do it: I think Will Smith is a full blown Scientologist.
First off, I've always been a fan of Smith and his music and acting, but there is something different about the guy lately.
There have always been stories of Big Willie being connected to the Space Church. Plus, Will Smith has tried to deflect many questions about his connection to the church. Sometimes, he just flat out says that he isn't one of them. (His wife Jada has also come out saying that she's not a member.)
But, actions speak louder than words or PR prepared words.
However, one can't help but notice his friendship with Tom Cruise. Whenever Will is on TV, he's making comments about how great Tom is. Many feel that Mr. Cruise has influenced the alien fighter himself Will Smith.
Will also has a school in Calabasas, CA. In this school, they supposedly teach the Study Tech method that L. Ron Hubbard created himself. It has something to do with mental and physical barriers or something like that. It sounds more like the Jedi Training that Master Yoda spouted out during Empire Strikes Back. I'm all for alt-teaching methods for teaching, but not ones that come from a man that created his own religion and then went crazy and died. (Mr. Hubbard)
Now, the media is reporting that Jada and Will fired the original Head of the New Village Leadership Academy. There are reports that the new leader of the school has some connections to the Scientology Church.
I find this very disturbing. I'm not too happy about seeing young people surrounded by this mess. This group tends to suck people dry, and it just seems wrong to have kids involved with anything with Xenu and L Ron.
This brings up another point. Why is Will Smith hiding his connections to the Church of Scientology? For some time now, Will Smith has been saying some strange statements that can only be described as a little crazy. Will is starting to sound a lot like Tom Cruise.
If Scientology is completely harmless, why does Will Smith distance himself from the group? Yet, his actions say something different. I used to like Mr. Smith before he started making these crazy statements.
I think there needs to be an intervention. Someone needs to take Will aside and tell him he's being used by these 'folks' and Xenu. Perhaps, we can get some of his stars from his space movies like Tommy Lee Jones and Jeff Goldblum to join in the intervention.
If Scientology is so harmless, then just come out and say the church is connected to school. I'm sure if you told people that they'd want to know if there is connection between school and Battlefield Earth.
All jokes aside, I just like to see Will Smith come down to Earth a bit. He has started to think he can change the world with just his mere thoughts.
Listen to this interview,
Uh, Will, 2+2=4 is not what you want it to be. 2+2 will always equal 4. Sorry adding is always the same when you add two and two together.
Here are some videos.
Story about the connections
He calls counseling weak and stupid
Side Notes:
-Make Sure to read up on David S. Touretzky and his problems with Study Tech.
-This site has a lot of information on Study Tech and the mumbo-jumbo behind this 'science'.

Thanks for the interview clip. The info on the clip i kinda attribute to Will Smith's genius side. I mean he was really on his way to MIT before his music took off. He had to fight his parents to give him 1 year to make it big before going to MIT. I mean - he was already IN @ MIT.
That being said - I'm guessing his "ideas" are big and he does have a huge geeky side into subjects that Steven Hawking shares ya know. So I cut him slack in this interview.
i dunno where I can confirm it but around here in Hollywood land it seems like it's a fact that Jada is with scientology and that Will was thinking about it for the children's sake since their mom was already a member.
I will look for the links
I want to like him, but Scientology is one of those deal breakers for me.
Mayren: I didn't know about the MIT info. It kind of makes me wonder why he would get himself caught up with the Space Church. He seems too smart for that stuff. when he starts mention 'magic' I start to lose it. It just sounds too much like Tom and John T for my taste
Thanks for the Jada heads up.
MC: I do too. Actually, the fact he refuses to admit his association with the church is really the deal breaker for me. Just call it a Space Church school.
I've lost a lot of respect for him now.
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