Go-Go Power Rangers!
Check out the link with story about what happened to the oirginal Power Rangers.
While I was never a huge fan of the series, I did enjoy making fun of the show when I came home from school. It was campy, and I like some campy stuff. However, this shows was bad. (I did like the first movie though.)
The post does have some interesting findings. I'd like to expand on a few.
Austin St. John (Red Ranger): The reason I'm posting this is because someone at work mentioned there is a guy that supposedly resembles Austin St. John in a shop in the East End of Louisville. There seems to be some people that believe this rumor, but it is not true. He doesn't live Louisville, KY. It is safe to say he's stopped acting now.
Amy Jo Johnson (Pink Ranger ): I still think she's cute today. She has had a steady line of work for years now, and she seems to be talented too. She loses a point for showing up in "Saved by the Bell: The New Class".
Thuy Trang (Yellow Ranger): Yeah, I mentioned before that she died in a car accident. Make sure to scroll down in the Wiki page to read the really tragic events behind her death. I mean it is really sad. She was going to be a bridesmaid before the accident happen.
Here is a news report that was reported September 10, 2001. Yeah, that's right. Most people didn't remember the report after the next day.
Walter Jones (Black Ranger): Yes, the Black Ranger also danced too. Very nice stereotyping there. He has had a very steady career in acting. Some of the roles are pretty good. I remember him mostly from "The Shield" playing the drug dealer Rondell Robinson. His character was very important to the show early on.
Jason David Frank (Green/White Ranger): Ah, the guy with the ponytail. Remember when ponytails were cool? Nope. Neither do I. He was kind of a skinner version of Steven Segal. He actually continued to act in the Power Rangers shows off and on. (Mostly "Power Rangers DinoThunder") Notice that all three of his names are first names. Hmm...
David Yost (Blue Ranger): There’s not much to say about this guy other than the hasn’t aged that well.
Alpha 5: Alpha attempted to upgrade to Windows Vista last year and it locked up his program. The operating system ended up ‘bricking’ him. Now, his in a land field somewhere being folded up by a Wall-E robot. Poor Alpha 5.
Bulk and Skull: Who cares what happened to them?
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