Twilight Fans and Me…
On a very rare occasion, I decided to go out and eat with people from work. It was a going away lunch for a supervisor. I generally make it a rule not to meet people outside of work because I hate when people start talking ‘shop’. We just spent three-five hours in work why talk about the bull crap afterwards?
Anyway, someone mentioned Twilight, so I made an offhanded comment about the franchise. “I wish Blade would go in there and kill all those emo vampires.”
I got this strange expression from two of the female workers at the table. There was anger in their eyes. The guy next to them said, “Be careful, they’re Twilight fans.”
“I’m sorry, but I just hate what they did with vampires,” I said, shrugging.
Keep in mind that I always roll my eyes whenever someone mentions Twilight. I want to tell them True Blood is better anyway. I’ve been very pleased with the direction they’ve taken the show.
Why are Twilight fans so defensive about the franchise? Why are they so invested in the franchise emotionally anyway? You don’t get this with most Star Trek fans with the exception of Voyager fans.
Note to self: Make sure not to mention Twilight to females unless they dis it themselves.
Twilight is almost like one of those 'create your own adventure' where the main character is like a template that you can slot yourself into.
Any girl can imagine herself as Bella and enjoy the joys of loving a strong, handsome and dangerous creature.
Some people have really gotten sucked into the whole Twilight universe; they have a lot of emotion invested in their love of Edward Cullen and don't care that the books are badly written, etc.
I like that even 40s are getting into the books and are pretty hardcore in the fandom.
I need to man up and try to watch the first movie in order to review it
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