I Love You, Man (2009)
After proposing to his girlfriend, Peter Klaven (Rudd) discovers that he really never had a guy friendship his whole life. He goes out in search of a friend before he gets married. He finds an unlikely friend in the form of Sydney Fife.
Think of this movie as a slower version of 2008’s Role Models. Like many other reviewers have stated, this is a chick flick morphed into a Bro-mance. It has all the story beats of a chick flick with a few more cuss words. The trailers attempt to make this into some harsh R-rated comedy, but it really isn’t that at all.
Surprisingly, the acting is good, but never great. Paul Rudd plays the same character he’s played since Knocked Up, but that’s not a problem. I’ve always liked Rudd’s take on the straight man in the comedy pair. And, his character here is really close to his Role Models’ character. Jason Segel’s Sydney Fife isn’t that different from Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
It is Rudd and Segel’s chemistry that keep this movie from becoming boring and aimless at times. With their first meeting, their characters really seem to hit it off rather nicely. This relationship will carry you throughout the film. The other relationship that is also well written is Rudd’s relationship with his soon-to-be wife Rashida Jones’ character. Jones’ character is supportive of her boyfriend and seems to really want him to find a best friend. I like Jones.
My biggest problems with the movie are the subplots going nowhere, such as the Lou Ferrigno plotline. The whole Lou Ferrigno storyline isn’t that funny and never pays off. There are a few other subplots with this problem too.
The third act is a bit of a mess though. Like many modern comedies, they seemed to rush to the ending.
Keep in mind, there aren’t as many laugh out loud moments like Role Models, but it is still a charming movie with some interesting characters. Not a bad movie.
Grade: C+
Jason Segel: “I remember you. You were in that Super Nintendo ad weren't you?”
Rudd: “Nope.”
Jason Segel: “Are you sure? Here is the link right here.”
Rudd: "..."

Rudd: “Crap, it is true. I was in a lame Nintendo commercial.”
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