Not The Cosbys XXX
Looking at the list over at the Huffington Post, they have a list of 11 Porn sitcom parodies and came across this little gem. This one really shocked me. I had no idea someone wanted to see a Bill Cosby porn parody, but here it is.
I can't look at the Cosby Show the same again. Actually, there are a lot of attractive stars in this film, even though I haven't seen the movie for uh...research.
I don't know how anyone can be turned on by a show with Bill Cosby and his strange sweaters. If anything, The Cosby Show's spin off A Different World would be a more suitable porn parody to me.
Side videos (Behind the scenes and safe for work)
Tee Reel on the set of the 'film': He plays Cockroach in this version.
A very cute Melody Nakai, I've never heard of her.
You have to wonder how Bill Cosby feels about the parody.
Screw it, let's see an ALF parody...okay maybe not.
Off that list, I would totally see the 30 Rock one... and not for the sex. It actually looks like it is really funny, and most of the people in it do a good job mimicking the characters/actors they are playing, especially the dude playing Alec Baldwin.
I completely agree the guy playing Baldwin is great. the trey Jordon guy is funny too.
I'd see it for the talent/jokes and the fact Amy Reid is in the movie too.
BTW, Notice how bad Ms. Reid is the acting in the trailer compared to the rest of the cast?
Yeah, she is awful, and exemplifies porn acting.
Looking at more than one of those clips, I notice that Ashlynne Brookes in in a lot of these movies.
Ashlynne Brookes must be under contract with these spoof movies, where as the other stars are freelance
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