Heidi Montag’s Overdosin (review)
Holy Crap, this is a terrible song.
I didn’t know who Heidi Montag was until the Agony Booth wrote a review on one of her songs.
Being on "The Hills" (a show I’ve never seen or ever will) probably gave her some attention and someone thought they’d cash in on her fame, or lack of it. Some producer hooked her up to that auto-tuning software and crapped out another song.
This song is appalling, really appalling. The music sounds like it came from a bad Sega Saturn racing game. And, it doesn’t fit with the singing that Montag belts out (blurts out). I could make something better with some shareware programs and a box of rocks.
Montag proves that her voice is so phony and bland that it makes Britney Spears sound like Whitney Huston. It sounds so fake that even George Lucas would have a problem with the extensive computer work. I mean really, how can anyone even listen to this and enjoy it?
Her voice is damaging the fabric of space and time, creating a field of anti-time above the Earth. She must be stopped before she destroys the human race.
Since when does showing up on a flux-reality show prove that you can sing?
I’m usually a guy that tells everyone to follow his or her dreams, but I can’t recommend that to Heidi.
Heidi Montag, please stop singing. As Captain Kirk said once, “It’s better you, better for me and better for them. Think about it.”
This song gives a whole new meaning to the expression, “We’ll fix it in post.”
Grade: F
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