Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

Well, it’s not as boring as Hulk.

This movie is bad, but not Ghost Rider bad. I don’t know why, but there is something wrong with having a superhero movie rated PG. I loved the fact that the director was okay with this; despite the fact the first movie was PG13.

Heck, I enjoyed the first Fantastic Four movie, but this one is just bad. It had a lot of promise too. The first FF had wit and was kind of fun for what it was, but this follow up is a cluster mess. This is the example of the wrong writing team for an interesting concept.

After an impressive opening where Galactus rips apart a planet, the Silver Surfer shows up on Earth and strange things start to happen around the planet as a result. The FF tries to discover what the reason the Silver Surfer has appeared on Earth. On paper, this storyline reads well and could have been a great concept. However, in the hands of an awful director, Tim Story, none of it is taken too seriously or written well for that matter.

Instead of building up conflict between the four heroes, we get goofy scenes where The Thing yells at a bear, and Mr. Fantastic dances while using his stretching powers. Instead of moving forward one of Marvel’s most compelling stories, we are merely short-changed with Galactus or the Silver Surfer not having much to do in the story.

Yes, Galactus is an f’ing cloud. While it was impressive CGI work on the cloud, I kept waiting for either three Klingon ships or the Enterprise to show up. Think of him as an updated V’ger.

Ioan Gruffudd seems to have gotten worst in his acting. I’m sure he was just pissed off with the material. While I like Julian McMahon, this second movie just proves that he’s totally wrong for the part. Andre Braugher looks bored and ready to fall asleep at any moment in the movie. He was totally underused.

Jessica Alba is so annoying in this movie. She simply can’t act in no way, shape or form. Her line deliveries are just unbearable and embarrassing. However, part of the problem is the way they write her character. The world is on the brink of destruction and she’s worried about her wedding. This doesn’t sound like the woman I’d like to marry. It’s the same problem they had with Marry Jane in Spiderman III. When the world is turning upside down, the last thing you should be worried about is relationship problems.

However, it’s not all bad. The CGI work for the Silver Surfer is really cool. Chris Evans and Michael Chiklis are still fun to watch. There are some cool moments here and there.

Grade: D+

(Note: Shame on the writers and director on ripping off a scene directly out of Batman (89). Remember when the Joker gets his bandages taken off his face? They have a scene just like that in this movie.)
There is something not right with her wearing a blond wig and blues eyes...


The Thing: The Shield is better than Nip/Tuck.”


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