Star Wars Episode 3 random thoughts first few mins
~The opening Battle above Coruscant was amazing. I loved how complex the battle was, and I enjoyed trying figure out all the details.
~The Republic Warships look a lot like the Imperial Star destroyers. Nice Detail.
~Generally Lucas’s dialogue sucks, but his space battle dialogue is always spot on.
~I wonder what kind of “General” Skywalker was? He seems to care about the fate of the clone pilots in the battle.
~If you watch closely, you can see one of the clone fighters explode and a pilot clone floating with the wreckage. The kicker, he’s still moving.
~I actually liked the buzz bots.
~I remember reading about this battle a year ago in an early script of Ep 3.
Have you seen the "Hip Hop Yoda" easter egg in the Episode III DVD? It's hilarious!
I need to check that out, I bet it's great
I wonder what kind of “General” Skywalker was? He seems to care about the fate of the clone pilots in the battle.
He knows that soldiers are going to die in battle, but that shouldn't stop him from achieving the objective. Eisenhower knew thousands of Americans would die hitting the beaches in Operation Overlord and it made him miserable, but it was necessary.
Besides, what does Obi-Wan care? His troops are freakin' clones. Replicaters, mount up!
I noticed that, it always suprised me that he wanted to go back help them. while Obi-1 couldnt careless.
Ankin also sees the robots as people too, while Obi-1 couldnt careless for them. "In droids could think, we'd all be out of bussines." remark points this out.
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