Another lame gift idea is the canned popcorn gift-sets. These are not good. When I think of the Holidays, I don’t think of large portions of canned stale popcorn. The popcorn usually comes in three types, cheddar, camel, and plain. A folded cardboard divider separates the different types of popcorn. Usually the camel brand gets eaten first followed by the cheddar, and no one eats the plain portion.
Now, don’t get it twisted, I love popcorn. But that much popcorn gets sickening. Like a bad cold, the popcorn sticks around for weeks after Christmas, getting staler by minute, yet no one throws it away, because it’s a gift.
Who came up with this lame idea anyway?
I disagree,I have given this to some people and I love receiving them because we snack on them and love pop corn. Now, if you give it to someone that don't really like pop corn then that's kinda lame and it's actually really good and once the tin is open it doesn't last long and it doesn't get thrown away..I got a mixture of chocolate pop corn this year and WOW,my favorite by far and I myself love the pop corn tins and it's hard for me not to buy one for myself when they first come out
I love popcorn, but there is a date threshold on canned popcorn and the salt version is always the last to get eaten.
For me, it is a standby gift if you don't have the time to buy a good gift. I haven't had canned popcorn in a while though...
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