Some movies aren’t that funny when you first watch them. Others aren’t that funny after years have passed. While some are consistently sucky all the time. Blankman is one that is actually funnier now, than when it was released in 94.
Blankman (Damon Wayans) discovers a formula that bounces bullets off of him. So after Grandma Walker is killed, mild-mannered Darryl Walker comes up with the idea to fight crime as a superhero.
Now the movie isn’t good, but still it has some nice touches. I enjoyed seeing him nearly fail on his first days as superhero. The best scene is when he kisses Robin Givens for the first time, classic stuff. I personally would just be freaked out to kiss the same mouth that Tyson kissed. I also enjoyed the really bad inventions that Blankman creates for himself.
Don’t get it twisted, because the movie has some major problems. Robin Givens is sexy, but terrible in the movie. I just don’t believe she can act. Jason Alexander isn’t very good either. I’ve hated him since Seinfeld started. Now He just does Roll Gold Pretzel and KFC Ads. The story loses focus toward the middle and seems to never get it back.
In a nutshell, a fair movie that never takes its self too seriously yet doesn’t go far enough.
Major Paine > Blankman
There is something still good about Major Paine. I think you're right its a better movie
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