Strange Story about 14 year old girl’s parents getting killed by her 18 year old Boyfriend.
Comment: What the hell? This is just nuts. Besides the murder and kidnapping, I have a question; why was she dating an 18 year old? Yea it’s 4 year difference, but between 14 and 18 there are a lot of “Changes”. I’m not a bible thumping conservative or anything.
(("We think they're boyfriend and girlfriend," said Seace. "The young girl was out during the night, came home, and her parents confronted her. From what we understand, he came to the house."))
(("Their parents didn't approve of them being together" because of the age difference, she said. "It wasn't because he was a shady character, because he wasn't."))
Yeah, I can see that. Now, where did he get the gun?
((It was the second violent incident in a week in normally quiet Lititz, a Lancaster County village known for quaint shops, local artists and Sturgis Pretzel House, which bills itself as America's first pretzel bakery.))
Pretzel, That’s not something to be proud of .
((Both Ludwig and Kara Borden maintain Web sites. Hers refers to interests in soccer, art and her Christian faith; his says he enjoys "having soft air gun wars" and claims expertise in "getting in trouble."))
Why am I thinking this guy is using a blogger account, while she seems like a MYspace or Xenga user.
((Sherman said the family knew the 18-year-old suspect through a home-schooling network. He said he had occasionally seen the teen at the Bordens' home.))
Okay this explains a lot. Home schooling, sigh. The worst thing you can do for a child. That doesn’t take away from what he did to those two parents.
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