My Day at a Play
Yesterday, I had (forced) to see a college play. As I arrived, late of course, I noticed the room was surprisingly filled with students. I picked a seat in the back and minutes later the play began. Metamorphoses was the name of the Greek play. The play was okay a lot better than I thought it would be.
We were nearly done with the play when the fire alarm went off. I looked around and noticed that no one got out of their seats. I shrugged and figured the alarm was a part of the play. (Now, how does a fire alarm FIT in a Greek play?)
Then the teacher emerged from the door. “Guys and girls, we have to stop the play. We have to evacuate the building.”
Great. Now, I didn’t care if there was a bomb threat or a terrorist attack, I wanted to finish this damn play. It’s like turning off a movie at the best part. So, we had to go outside, in the biting cold.
(Side note: A bunch of engineers screwed up some wiring while working and set off the alarm, dumbasses.)
I went over to one of my students and remarked, “This has to be a part of the play.”
We stayed outside in the f’ing cold for 15 mins (too long). The engineers cleared us to go inside.
Well things got even more interesting when the play resumed…
Part 2 coming up next
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2 years ago
Plays make me cringe.
For the most part me too, College plays arent usually very good, but this one was alright.
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