Rome (HBO Show)
Rome is a compelling show that has some drawbacks similar to Deadwood and The Wire. The show is set during the time before the Roman Republic became an Empire. Julius Caesar begins to march his powerful army toward Rome to begin a bloody civil war with his equal Pompey Magnus.
However, what’s interesting to watch is two simple soldiers that are swept into the history changing events. One is a straight arrow that always follows the rules and believes in his job, while the other one is a guy that drinks a lot and doesn’t like to follow orders, spending most of the time in whore houses and stealing money. It’s kind of funny to observe this ancient Odd Couple in action. Best line, “So, you can only have sex with women who are crying or you paid for their services.”
Moreover, the acting isn’t always uniformly good, but the story is interesting enough that it will keep you watching. If that doesn’t have your interest, there is a great deal of nudity, hell a lot of female nudity, I’m not complaining. There is also lots of violence in the two episodes I’ve seen. One guy gets a sword in the neck, that’s going to leave a mark. So other words, this isn’t a clean show with purely good guys. Everyone has a flaw.
Most people won’t gives this show a change because it’s not fast pace and people are simply stupid because they can’t understand historic dramas. This is fine by me, because I rather have intelligent people understanding everything going on in this interesting show. All smart people try it.
Smart People Grade B-
Dumb People Grade F- (uh, It’s boring. When’s the next episode of American Idol come on?)
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