Palm Springs Crazy Man breaks into the airport runway
Comment: My brother lives in Palm Springs and actually works at the airport where this incident happened. He told me that a Ramp worker was screaming for help on her walkie-talkie and asked for police because a man in a pickup truck nearly ran over her.
The man drove through airport fences, drove right onto the runway, and blocked an airplane. He even tried to break into the plane, but failed.
My brother said that the Palm Springs airport was shut down for about four hours.
Watch the video, it’s extremely strange, and somewhat funny as well. He actually said, “Why doesn’t the other cop have his gun pointed me?” The cop answered, “Because, I have my gun pointed at you.”
Here is the news report http://www.desertsunonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050920/NEWS01/509200315/1006
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