Random Thoughts
~I’ve been busy since Friday, and I haven’t stopped. I had to finish three chapters and get ready to write an interview section of questions up. Then, tomorrow I have to go on a tour at a Radio One station with another Media class.
~Yet, I still need to get some sleep, more sleep…
~Doing all this stuff today, I still have to go into my crappy job and deal the crappyness of it all.
~Rome is really starting to get good now. However, I just don’t think America can handle a history based show, when we have Big Brother and Survivor still on air. Maybe, I am wrong. People don’t like gray, because they like black and white characters.
~After reading one blog about dating, and another blog about a date/email gone wrong, I am more than happy to stay single. There are more than enough crazy women out there. I’m not saying I am trying to stay single, and I won’t count out the possibillty either.
~Talking to Rich, he’s convinced me to go out and get a copy of Final Fantasy Tactics. If I can…
If you don't get out and experience it, you'll never have fun stories to tell for years to come! Just remember that you're the rational one and she's the emotional train wreck and it's hilarious!
That was one of the best e-mails I've read. They're right when they say life is stranger than fiction
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