This news goes under the WTF banner
Comment: Carey and Stiller team up again for a clone comedy. Yep, yep you heard me right. Just click and read…I've never seen garbage eat garbage before.
This news goes under the WTF banner
Comment: Carey and Stiller team up again for a clone comedy. Yep, yep you heard me right. Just click and read…http://www.moviehole.net/news/6178.html
Comment: I’m not looking forward to another Scary Movie, being that the first one was funny and the rest suck, but I just hope they can convince Shannon Elizabeth come back to the franchise. Anyone that knows me is fully aware how much of a crush I have on this woman.I’ll have her American Pie anytime.
Ja Rule: “Who is it Mr. President?”
Captain Sisko looks over the battle reports, as the fighters continue to attack only Cardassians vessel. Here’s his plan, Since the Dominion ships are manned by Genetically engineered soldiers, who are breed to follow orders, he only attacks the Cardassian ships, because they are an egotistical group people that don’t like the fact that small fighters are taking pot shots at them.
Sisko knows that the Cardassian pride won’t let them stay in ranks. Once the Cardassian ships break ranks, the entire Federation fleet will run through the open hole in the Dominion fleet, where they will head for the Occupied DS9 station.
I think this is an interesting tactic, because Sisko is using the differences between the combined forces of the Dominion/Cardassian fleet to his advantage. He knows that he’s outnumbered and can’t fight a fleet that big. So, he wants to pull the combined fleet apart.
I’m sure he wouldn’t use this tactic, if the Klingons were by his side. But, without Klingon support, he has to think of another way to get to the station.Here is Gul Dukat, the leader of the Cardassian forces, while the Dominion forces are commanded by Weyoun (Not seen in this picture). The female shapeshifter commands them both.
Dukat discuses the battle with his aid Damar. Damar doesn’t trust Major Kira and the others and ask to arrest them all, just in case they try to sabotage the disarming of the mines. Dukat agrees.
Dukat turns his attention to Sisko’s strange tactic.
Kira and the others quietly discuss the rumors about whether the Federation fleet was destroyed or not. They agree that the weapons array (which is how the Cardassians will take out the minefield) must be destroyed before the Cardassians complete the modifications.
With Major Kira, The resistance group is taken into custody by Damar, before they can act on their sabotageDukat is so sure his plan will work, that his dream of taking over the galaxy is about to come true. Dukat has always felt that once he finally defeats Sisko, nothing will stop him, not even his Dominion allies. He sees this space battle as a personal war against Sisko.
Dukat orders his Cardassian ships to chase after the fighters, thus opening the fleet lines up for his trap.Just as Captain Sisko predicted, The Cardassian ships begin to pull away from their Dominion allies, chasing after the fighters.
Garak is a Cardassian that works for Sisko on the Defiant.
His crew notices certain positions of warship, and they believe it’s a trap. Sisko thinks about it and figures it might be a trap. He has no choice in the matter, he must stop the Cardassians from destroying the minefield, and he can’t miss this opportunity. He orders the entire fleet to move in at full speed, weapons firing.How will Sisko and his fleet deal with the potential trap by Dukat?
Will they get to the station in time to stop the minefield from being destroyed?V for Vendetta Delayed (I wonder Why)
Comment: This movie is from a comic book by Alan Moore. I actually like the trailers for this movie, so I might check it out.
However, there has been terrible buzz coming from this film. Alan Moore has stated that he doesn’t want anything to do with this film, and has parted all ties with DC comics, including WB (DC’s Parent company).
((The movie is based on an acclaimed graphic novel — but that book's author has called the screenplay "imbecilic" and wants nothing to do with the film.))
Then there are the London bombings, which also happen in the movie as well to contend with. It would be poor taste to release the film in November. Let’s not forget the replacement of the first star.
Now, WB has stated that the long delay is because of FX work and post-production. This could be a spin by the studio.
The link talks about the fact that this could be another Catwoman for WB, ouch.
BTW, the Wachowski brothers (Matrix) are producing this film with Silver.Scream 4 (Why?)
Comment: Why is there talk of a Scream 4 movie? The last one sucked, actually only the first one was good. Stop trying to bring back dead franchisesAngel/Buffy Spin off movie, might be in the works
Comment: The character of Spike from Buffy and Angel appears to be getting his own movie soon. Not a huge Buffy fan (I do watch the show on FX every few months), I always found Spike to be an interesting character.I figured I could do a visual review of one of DS9’s best episodes, Sacrifice of Angels. SOA was one the first episode that had huge production values. It was last part of six part episode about the evil Dominion taking over the station DS9. Star Fleet is at war with the Dominion. Captain Sisko takes two fleets and goes out to take back his station, but the Klingons refuse to add their forces to the huge fleet, so Sisko sends Commander Worf to convince them to help in this important battle.
Here is what Trekpulse.com says
Sisko tries to convince the fleet top brass that they must take back the space station, because the Cardassians (Dominion allies) figured out a way to deactivate the mines around the wormhole. Sisko’s knows that a large fleet of Dominion ships are waiting to reinforce the fleet already on this side of the Galaxy.
The Admirals agree and Sisko has his fleet, but the Klingons haven’t joined this major battle, so he knows that they could lose to Dominion’s bigger Armanda.The Federation fleet meets up a bigger fleet of Dominion and Cardassians ships. The two fleets stand face-to-face waiting for the first one to make their move.
This is where the Federation fighter ships pull up in front of the larger ships, holding their position. This is an interesting tactic, using your smaller ships as the first offensive weapons. Think of these tiny fighters like the X-wings on Star Wars.
I went to a gas station around my part of town. I pulled up to the pump and went inside. I stood in a short line for a about a minute. On the right register, an old crusty, (Who had smoked too many cigarettes) lady stood there helping a customer. On the right register, there was a skinny dork/idiot man.
The guy called me up next.
Placing my money on the counter, I said, “I want 6 dollars on pump 15.”
The cashier gave me a perplexed look, and looked down at his computer screen. He slowly opened his mouth, “Are you sure you’re on pump 15?”
At first, I was certain, but I began to doubt myself. Maybe, I was incorrect and I picked the wrong number. I peered out the front window, trying to see the number. Of course, a big-ass company van obscured my view of my car and the pump number. “I think it was 15, I could be wrong.”
This was when the old dirty woman decided to add her stupid two cents. She looked over at her counterpart. “That’s why they have those big white numbers on the side of the pumps.”
I nearly opened my mouth to shot back a smart-ass comment to her old dirty ass. This so-called woman had no business adding her remarks to the subject, yet her cigarette filled brain couldn’t handle not making a smart-ass remark. Because I was more pissed at the man, I didn’t say anything to her.
“I’ll be right back,” the man said, quickly heading for the door.
I watched as he dashed outside, looking around the van. I saw him mouthed the word “shit” as he came back inside. I put two and two together, someone on pump 15 drove off without paying.
“Yeah, you were right, pump 15,” the man said.
“Are you sure?” I said, being sarcastic.
The fool nodded. “Did you see the car that drove off when you pulled up?”
“No,” I said. It wasn’t like I was looking in the first place.
I went back to my car pissed off, cursing all people that work at gas stations. I started to cheer up when I saw that the people before me stole 20 dollars worth of gas. Good for them, I hope they come back to this gas station and steal 40 dollars worth next time.
Drunken People are Stupid
I was at a get-together Saturday, somewhere in the South-end of Louisville. I went there with some of my friends. We hung outside on the deck, just chilling. There was a woman there drunk as hell. She latched onto a red plastic cup, as if it was the cup of life.
She came up to me and said, “Hello there, I don’t remember if we met.” She extended her hand.
I reluctantly shook her hand, noticing how tipsy she was. “I was here last week, we’ve met before.”
She pointed her wobbly finger in my direction, her cup sloshing the liquid around. She narrowed her alcohol-hazed eyes at me. “Yeah, you’re the guy doesn’t talk much.”
I nodded. “That’s me.’
I guess she noticed my standoffish approach to our conversion so she said, “Don’t mind me, I’m shit-faced drunk. I get like this.”
“Thanks for the warning,” I remarked.
She left my sight, and I sat down near the table. I struck up a conversation about geek talk, when the same drunk woman from before started to flip out and cussed like a cowboy.
“What the fuck? You gave him a one of those. Why the fuck did you do that? We have a GD child, he should know better. Why didn’t he fucking tell me, shit?” she said, yelling at some guy standing beside her.
Everyone stopped their collective conversations and turned to her as she continued to flip out. The reason because of her flip out was that the guy beside her told her that he gave her boyfriend a painkiller. The boyfriend sat in the house, on the couch, watching MTV…high.
The questions I have are…
Why did the guy even tell her that he gave her boyfriend a painkiller pill?
Why the hell was she flipping out?
Why did she have to make it so public?
Drunk people are funny.Funny Mac spoof ad
Comment: I heard most of what this guy says isn’t true, but it’s still funny. BTW, i'm a PC guy.What’s more dangerous than terrorists? Utah kids…
Comment: These cops moved like there was a group of terrorists in the crowd. If you simply watch the last half of the video, you would think that this was set in Iraq. BTW these kids had permits.
Actually, the music was pretty lame and the rave seemed more than a little boring as well. It only got interesting when the cops appeared.
Here’s a new rule
1 If the party, rave, club starts to get boring, just call the cops. It will start to heat up then.White Man Can Dance
Comment: There is always this misconception that all white people can’t dance, well they’re wrong. This white dude earned his ghetto pass. He dances with a Trombone in his hand too. We got Served.The famous Pat Robertson "Kill him" rant
Comment: What the hell is wrong with this guy? Has he lost his mind? Where’s Bob Novak when you need him?
Pat Robertson's "Apology"
Comment: He just doesn’t get it, damn fool.The Karate Kid
Certain movies you remember everything about the experience in Movie Theater. You actually remember watching it in the theater as a child. The Karate Kid was one of those movies. I remembered going into the theater with my family, and really enjoying the movie. I remembered when everyone in the theater cheered when Daniel did the Crain kick.
Looking back at the movie now, I was surprised how well the movie holds up. Sure there are some things that date the movie, but what movie doesn’t have those issues. The central theme of the movie is friendship. Watching the movie now as man, I’ve picked up more interesting concepts that were too over my head at the time. However, now I get it, I understand it.
The character I identified with the most was Daniel LaRusso (Daniel-san). He was an outsider just like me. He lived with only one parent, his mother. The relationship with his mother was one of nicest relationships I’ve seen in the 80s. Like any good single mother, she was always there for him, and helped him get back up. He needed this support at home, because he is severely beaten up in the 1st half of the film.
One of my favorite moments is when the bullies force him down a hill, crashing his bike. In the next scene, you see him throwing his bike in the trash, and he’s had enough. He breaks down and starts to cry, telling his mom he’s ready to go home. There comes a time when we all want to give up, and want to turn our backs on life. The next day, his bike is completely repaired, thanks to Mr. Miyagi.
Mr. Miyagi is a friend, teacher, and father to Daniel. The best scene in the movie period is the one where Miyagi shows him that all the hard work Daniel put into fixing Miyagi’s house pays off. It was a very cool scene.
This movie still holds up well today. What f’ are you waiting for? Rent the DVD now!
Grade A-Daniel’s girlfriend broke up with him after this movie.
Five years later, Daniel’s girlfriend would find another boyfriend named… McFlyElisabeth Shue: “Why are you crying?”
Daniel: “Because after this, my career is in the crapper.”
Elisabeth: “Well, there’s always My Cousin Vinny.”
Daniel: “Why do you think I’m crying?”Daniel: “Is this where Sanford and Son live?”
Miyagi: “Daniel-san, you should really get use to doing the wax on, wax off method.”
Daniel: “Why? Is it because you want me to learn a new Karate move?”
Miyagi: “Nope, because after your acting career tanks, you’ll need to learn how to wash cars for a living, chump.”